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Bernardine Center’s food cupboard supplies nutritious food to eligible families. The Center serves approximately 450 persons each month. The Bernardine Center receives a portion of its food supply from government sources while a much of itsfood is donated by area churches, organizations and individuals by way of actual in-kind food or monetary donations. The Bernardine Center was a founding member of Delaware County Interfaith Food Assistance Network (DIFAN) Dedicated volunteers assist our staff in distributing food to families.
Supplemental Food Is distributed on: The 1st four Wednesdays of each month from9-11 am 30meals/month are provided Personal selection of available food Call 610-497-3225 for monthly schedule Eligibility to receive food is based on “Self-Declaration of Need” as established by the PA Department of Agriculture (e.g., family of one with an annual income of less than $27,861 and living in Delaware County is eligible)